Although there’s no dearth of properties for rent in Dubai, the skyrocketing rents are making it tough for many. Did you know that there’s been a massive increase of more than 27 percent in the rent this year only?

So, this implies that finding and securing a rental property in Dubai that fits your needs and falls within the budget bracket is a great achievement in itself.

One of the most important things one has to do when they have selected a rental property is to sign the tenancy agreement. It entails the terms and conditions applicable to both tenants and landlords.

It is important to know that this agreement is valid for a particular time period only, normally 1 year. After this tenure, it has to be renewed. Thus, you must remember the property lease expiration date.

What Happens When the Property Lease Expiration Date?

According to Article 6, when the property lease expiration date has passed, and the renter continues living in the property while there’s no objection from the landlord, the contract is deemed renewed. It is renewed for one year or the previously decided tenure, whichever is shorter. The terms and conditions pertaining to the use of the property also remain the same.

No Change in Rent

The rent, too, remains the same as the landlord is required to give the tenant a 90-day notice if they want to increase when the contract is nearing the expiration date.

It is, however, recommended to renew the agreement before the property lease expiration date to avoid dealing with unpleasant circumstances in the latter stages.

What to Know Before Renewing a Rental Contract?

Before you reach out to your landlord for the purpose of renewal of the rental contract, there are certain things you must take into account. These are:

Your Future Plans

Ask yourself before the property lease expiration date if the rental property is fit to serve you for another year or so before renewing a contract. For example, if you live with your partner in a 1-bedroom flat and intend to start a family, you would want to move to a bigger residence.

So, keeping your future plans in consideration will help you make an informed decision vis-à-vis the renewal of the rental contract.

The Budget

Landlords tend to increase the rent of the property when the contract is renewed. They are required to give a 90-day notice to the tenant about the same. If you believe the rent is increased unjustly, you can always check it at the RERA calculator and make sure it’s within the allowed range. In case the landlord charges more than the market value, you reserve the right to legally contest the rent appraisal.

On the other hand, if the rent is increased fairly, you have 90 days to decide whether the increased rent suits your budget as well.

Talking about the budget, you must know about the charges associated with renewing the tenancy contract. These include:

  • Ejari Renewal Fee
  • Service Charges
  • Housing Fees
  • Maintenance Fees

Terms & Conditions

Make sure you are aware of any modifications to your lease conditions before renewing your rental agreement in Dubai. This might involve anything from charging for parking to altering building policies to restrict pets. In general, when the property lease expiration date nears, it is best to speak with your landlord personally. Prior to renewing the tenancy contract, it’s crucial to ensure that your new lease conditions meet your needs in order to prevent unpleasant issues later.

When it comes time to renew your rental agreement, take into account whether you may bargain for more perks in your new lease conditions. This includes having access to community amenities like a gym and pool, extra parking places, or routine upkeep.

Repair and Maintenance

It is also advised that you talk to your landlord about the need for any repairs or upkeep before the property lease expiration date. The landlord may decide not to renew a lease if the property requires significant repairs and upkeep. The renter might be asked to pay anything as compensation. But in order to achieve it, a technical report from Dubai Municipality is required.

Wrapping Up

To sum it up, whether you live in a rental property in Palm Jumeirah or Downtown Dubai, you need to make sure your contract is renewed at the right time and registered with Ejari. The process is simple and straightforward and can help you avoid disputes with your landlord in the long run.

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