Personal Information

Igor Kavka

Property Consultant
Nationality: ukrainian
Languages: English,Russian

Personal details

Active Listings: 0 Properties
License No:
Experience Since: 2020
Areas Covered: The Palm Jumeirah

About Igor Kavka

Igor was born and raised in Ukraine and has been living in Dubai for 5 years. He graduated with a degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Service. Igor has worked for the UAE's leading airline, Emirates. Having started his career in real estate from scratch, he very quickly became a professional, 100% competent. He specializes in sales and rentals in one of the most luxurious areas of Dubai, the famous Palm Jumeirah. Igor is focused, attentive to detail and punctual. He easily identifies the needs and financial capabilities of clients, offering them optimal solutions. With a unique personal approach, his clients get exactly what they are looking for. A little about personal life Igor is a sociable person who easily converges with people. He has classic male hobbies – fishing, hiking and sport shooting. He also enjoys outdoor workouts.
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Company Ax Capital Real Estate

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