It’s no secret that every homeowner wishes to sell their home at good rates. However, due to the abundant properties for sale in Dubai, the competition in the property market is high. Thus, to prepare your property for selling, one needs to make their property stand out from the rest to ensure it gets sold at high rates.

If you are also planning to list your house for sale in Dubai, make sure you have prepared it for viewings. Here are some of the most effective and budget-friendly tips you can follow to do this:

Improve Curb Appeal

Curb appeal refers to the appearance of your residential property when it is viewed from the road/street. It defines the first impression of your home; hence, you need to make every effort to ensure it is lasting. For the majority of property buyers, the decision of buying a home depends on how it looks from the outside.

To improve the curb appeal of your home, keep the front garden clean and tidy. It should be well-maintained. A lush, green front yard adds an element of freshness to the house. Also, the front door should be freshly painted. Window frames should be in good condition and properly cleaned.

Declutter Your Property for Selling

Next up, take out all the unnecessary stuff and declutter your property for selling and viewing. Once you have removed all the stuff that you don’t require anymore, your home will look more spacious to potential buyers. This step is also going to prove advantageous when you will move to the new address. It will reduce the moving hassles as most of your belongings will be sorted.

When decluttering your home, you can make two piles. The first one should contain things you want to keep. In the second pile, place all the stuff that is no longer useful for you. You can dispose of the ones that are completely useless or donate those items that can still be used.

Clean the Home Thoroughly

No one likes a dirty and untidy home. Particularly, it will leave a bad impression on the potential buyer. Therefore, clean your living space thoroughly when preparing it for viewings. Don’t leave any part of your home unattended. From bathrooms to kitchen, living area to closets in the bedroom, everything should be properly cleaned and in a perfect condition. Opt for professional cleaning services if you have the budget.

Neutralize the Space

In simple words, depersonalize the space. Remove any or every element that depicts your personal taste such as quirky or unusual art pieces, family photos, etc. As it is hard to find any other person with the same taste as yours who is willing to buy your home, it makes complete sense why depersonalizing or neutralizing is important.

Another reason why neutralizing the space is recommended is that potential home buyers try to visualize the space as their own home. If the home is over-personalized, it may put them off. Also, gender-neutralize the rooms. This will make them appealing to everyone, regardless of their gender.

Take Care of Lighting

Needless to say, lighting plays a major role in improving the decor and ambiance in a home. It creates a pleasant environment that improves the chances of getting your home sold at good rates. If a home is dark or dingy, no matter how beautiful it is, it wouldn’t capture the buyer’s interest. So, make sure the living space is properly illuminated. Lighting sources should be installed in strategic locations so that they can cover the maximum area even if a room doesn’t have enough natural light. Also, if a lighting source doesn’t work, don’t waste any time and get it replaced with a new one. The last thing you want is a flickering light scaring off potential buyers.

Scent Marketing

Scent marketing is a powerful technique that brands use to lure customers into their shops. You can also follow this tactic and make your home more attractive to potential buyers.

Many people resort to using air fresheners to make their home smell good. This is something you need to avoid at any cost. The use of air fresheners gives a wrong message. It conveys that you’re trying to cover up a bad odor.

Natural scents are more impactful. Therefore, placing fresh flowers in the living room can prove to be a great idea. If you have just baked bread, its aroma can also be enticing and help in scent marketing. Some people create natural scent by adding lemon peel, apple, cinnamon sticks, orange, and cloves into the boiling water. It produces a subtle odor that creates a very pleasant mood. If you can’t do any of these things, simply open the windows of your home before the viewing. The fresh air that enters through the windows can make a lot of difference.

Get Necessary Repairs

Lastly, make sure there are no hidden or apparent flaws in your home. Mostly, people looking to buy property in Dubai are very careful as their life’s savings are at a stake. Some people may also bring an inspection specialist with them. They will check every nook and cranny of your home. If they discover any flaw or issue, they can use it to negotiate the price. Therefore, it is recommended to get necessary repairs before putting your home up for sale.

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