In today’s time and age, making your home, whether you own it or have it on rent, eco-friendly is no longer an option. It has become the need of the hour for everyone to create a sustainable and green living environment.

By making your home Eco-friendly, you will get the added benefit of reducing your living cost. Hence, the first thing to do, once you have finalized a rental home is to work towards making it environmentally friendly.

Here’s how you can do that:

Use Your Appliances Smartly

Home appliances such as air conditioners and refrigerators release chlorofluorocarbons, which is responsible for the depletion of our earth’s protective ozone layer. This is why it is recommended to use them smartly.

Have a look at some of the ways you can do this:

  • Turn on the AC only at the time of need. When using it, don’t set the temperature below 24 degrees Celsius.
  • While you can’t turn off your refrigerator as it will spoil the food, what you can do is to have newer models as they are relatively more energy efficient as compared to older ones. Same goes with air conditioners and other appliances. This practice, however, you will be only able to follow if you are exploring unfurnished properties for rent in Dubai.
  • If the weather is breezy outside, give your cooling system a little rest and open the windows.
  • Make a point to have your doors and windows insulated. It will help to improve the efficiency of the cooling system and reduce electricity bills. Don’t think of insulation as an added cost. Instead, treat it as a strategy that will reduce your living cost in the long run.
  • Keep your windows covered with curtains or blinds, particularly during the scorching summer afternoons. It will keep the heat out.
  • Make sure the fan and vents of your refrigerator are cleaned periodically. It allows the appliance to function with enhanced efficiency.
  • Replace air conditioner filters after a particular period of time as well. Using an air conditioner with dirty filters not only affect its performance and energy consumption but can prove to be a health hazard as well.

Apart from the refrigerator and air conditioners, you can put your other home appliances to smart use. For example, you can conserve energy by:

  • Air drying your clothes instead of a dryer. Use any open space in your residence for this purpose.
  • Wash your clothes using cold water. It will save more water and energy cost as well. Furthermore, it prolongs the life of fabrics as well.

Lastly, don’t just power off your appliances. Unplug them from the socket when they are not in use.

Buy Smartly

When buying new household items, be a smart purchaser and don’t buy things that contain components, which pose a hazard to our environment. For example, some furniture stores offer Eco-friendly, plastic-free items. Prefer buying them to conserve the environment.

Adopt the same approach when buying other stuff. Also, keep a reusable carrying bag with you when you go for grocery shopping. This isn’t directly related to making your home Eco-friendly but has an impact on global warming.

Also, buy natural cleaning products. Not many people pay attention to the components a cleaning product has when buying it. Hence, they end up getting products that contain harmful chemicals. These chemicals get mixed with water and contaminate it. This issue can be resolved by opting for natural cleaning products. These are free from harmful toxins and chemicals and safe for the environment.

Replace Old, Conventional Lights with LEDs

This is a must if you want to make your home Eco-friendly and energy-efficient. Surely, incandescent bulbs look enticing but always go for LEDs. They offer numerous benefits including:

  •  LEDs lights are long-lasting; thus, cost-efficient in the long run.
  •  They are environmentally-friendly.
  • They help to conserve energy; thus, making your home more energy-efficient.

Grow Plants

No matter how small your place is, there is always some room for growing plants. If you can’t grow plants, get potted plants and place them in the balcony or any other place in your home. They will not only improve the aesthetic appeal of your home but make it Eco-friendly. Furthermore, placing different plants in your home will also add an element of freshness in your living space.

Important Note: Buy the right type (indoor or outdoor) of plant for your home, depending on the place you intend to keep it. Moreover, take proper care of the plant after getting it.

Lastly, adopt the practice of recycling. There’s no harm in using already-used products if they still offer utility. As a matter of fact, they can help to reduce your expenses. 

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