UAE Cabinet has decided to waive off the residency visa and ID renewal fee for expirations starting from 1st March. The process of waiving the fee is ongoing from 1st April. According to a news agency, the act is applicable to federal government services as well. Namely, documents and licenses along with various permits and the commercial register.

Furthermore, the Cabinet has announced that they will also waive all infractions that have administrative fines. This is applicable from 1st April spanning to 3 months ahead.

Recent events in the world amidst the Covid-19 crisis is what everyone is facing these days. Every country is struggling to keep the epidemic to a minimum. However, for UAE, the situation hasn’t worsened because of the preventive measures put in place in the nick of time. The state has been responding well to the grave threat and taking care of all the residents. That is to say, offering a digital system to ensure people stay home. And also, offering huge economic stimulus packages to ensure that the economy survives.

This is in line with the financial support that big establishments like Dubai Holding, Meraas are offering. These companies have offered billions in stimulus packages and programs. A lot of individual landlords are also offering leniency on all of the properties for rent that they have. This has managed to help the residents and investors who have isolated themselves inside to ease their worries. It’s important to keep in mind the Smart Initiative by Dubai’s government that provides the most advanced system as well. Which has enabled UAE’s residents to just sit at home and get everything done through their phone.

All in all, the UAE has managed to not only curb the pandemic but also offered comfort and ease to all its residents. Additionally, the UAE has even sent delegations around the world to help fight the virus and its effects.

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