Coronavirus pandemic has engulfed the world with fear, anxiety and suspicion. Every country is in herculean effort to get rid of this menace. While precautionary measures are underway, UAE leaves other countries behind in implementing these precautions. Recently, the emirate has imposed temporary suspension of visa-on-arrival from 19th March. This is followed by another addition of a ban on the grant of an entry-level visa. The news has come straight from the horse mouth- WAN, the UAE’s official government news agency. However, only the UAE residents, diplomats and citizens are given the exemption from this rule.

What UAE Embassy in the UK Has to Say About Coronavirus?

The new decision is subject to renewal, depending on the health conditions and control of the pandemic. The UAE embassy in the UK asks the people to comply with the additional screening measures taken by the local authorities. This may include but not be limited to:

  •   Enhanced medical screening on arrival
  •   Encouraging compliance with quarantine measures
  •   Following of the additional health measures and restrictions

Measures for Corona Control and Impact on Real Estate

The measures to control the coronavirus crisis has impacted all facets of UAE life. Impacts include the closing of business, schools and places of worship. According to analysts, this will affect real estate in UAE as well. Properties in Dubai and surrounding areas will face a serious downturn.

For the people having a resident visa in the country, they can still re-enter. But the government has advised the people not to travel unless there is any emergency.

Impact of Coronavirus on Tourism

The tourists are not going to be affected by this decision if they have had their visas issued prior to March 19, 2020. They can explore other options available online in order to extend their visa.

People Who Are in Their Native Countries

 Those who are in their countries of origin should urgently contact UAE diplomatic missions in their respective countries so that they can streamline their homecoming.

Those who are outside the UAE for business purposes should contact their employees as well as Emirati diplomatic missions in their host countries in order to facilitate their return to UAE.

Those who are currently on vacation must contact the UAE diplomatic mission in their respective companies so that they can be facilitated.

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