Living and working in Dubai is a dream for many, but getting a job here takes time, effort and patience. Follow these tips and tricks and with a little luck, you’ll soon land your dream job in your dream city.

Do your market research

Dubai generates thousands of vacancies on a daily basis, you just need to know where to look. Shortlist the jobs you like and start applying for them about 5-7 weeks before you land in Dubai. Most companies have a screening period of 2-4 weeks, so don’t wait till arriving in the UAE to apply, as you will be using up valuable days from your visit visa. Do your homework on the market (and particularly in your industry) before job hunting in Dubai.

Apply the right way

Finding a job is much easier when you apply the right way. Your CV is technically your first interview, so treat it like one. Tailor your CV and cover letter for the job you are applying to. Never send your CV without a cover letter, as it is considered bad form in the UAE. Highlight important, valuable and relative skills on the CV. Your visa status and the expiry date of the visa should also be mentioned. Use your references liberally. And most importantly, apply for a lot of jobs. A few may just come through.

Use social media

No one can deny the power of social media. Make a professional profile on LinkedIn and Facebook. Join recruitment groups as well as professional groups. Participate actively. Hiring through LinkedIn has become quite popular lately, with more and more recruiters opting for the sheer simplicity of the social media platform. These recruiters often peruse potential candidates’ as a litmus test, so make sure there’s nothing unsavory for them to discover.

Go through a recruiting agency

Companies often go through specialised recruiting agencies when seeking to hire new talent to save time and money, and only become directly involved after the recruiting agency has screened candidates. So it is important to register with some of these agencies, and to be in regular touch with them. There are a plethora of recruitment agencies in Dubai, so take your pick and play the field.

Build your network

People hire people. And they’re more likely to hire people they know. Attend networking events, conferences, trade shows etc to put your name out there and to build up your contacts in the UAE. In any given week, there are numerous networking events hosted by and for expats. This also gives potential recruiters a chance to see and interact with you outside a professional environment.

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