Unexpected shut down of companies, downsizing, and salary cuts – these are only a few of the aftermaths of COVID-19 situation that hit almost every country in the world hard. Since the workplaces had to be closed to mitigate the risk of the spread of coronavirus, their operations were put on a halt. Not many businesses were able to survive COVID-19 situation. Low scale companies, in particular, had to bear the brunt. Those companies that were able to sustain & survive, they had to reduce their budget to a great extent and for this, there was no other option but to downsize or opt for salary cutting measures.

This situation is not only prevalent in Dubai but almost everywhere else. However, since living expense in Dubai is on the higher side, those who have lost jobs here are finding themselves in an extremely stressful situation. If you are also one of them, feeling stressful over the COVID-19 situation won’t take you anywhere, instead follow these guidelines which might help in bearing your expenses: 

Start Looking for New Opportunities

Needless to say, it’s the first thing you should start doing. While many companies are downsizing, there are some firms that are offering new employment opportunities taking an advantage of going online. Particularly in the IT & E-Commerce sector in UAE, you can find new opportunities. Keep a tab on them and grab an opportunity that suits your needs. Even if you have to settle for a low income as compared to what you were getting earlier, don’t waste this chance.

Control Your Expenses

Immediately re-do all your finances and budget. Don’t rely too much on your savings as they are going to end sooner than expected if you aren’t controlling your expenses. Look for a cheap rental apartment in Dubai, preferably shared if you live alone, for the time being. Get rid of your expensive mobile, internet, and TV plans. Make a budget and stick to it.

Become a Freelancer

The internet is full of money-making opportunities for those who are seeking and have skills. You can put your skills and expertise to good use by offering your services online for companies in UAE and internationally to help them build their presence online. Many platforms are out there that facilitate freelancers. Getting started will be a little tough initially but once you have conquered this phase, there’s no looking back. 

Stay Connected with Your Ex-Employer

Keeping in touch with the previous employer may get a freelance work on a lesser wage to support the company in the tough hour, but it pays off in future. From this act, afterwards, you can land on another opportunity in the firm as soon as it opens up. It’s a possibility that you are asked to rejoin or more work is assigned.

Go Through Your Goals & Plans Again  

If you have set goals and plans decided for your future, it’s about time you should go through them again and tweak them accordingly since you’re unemployed now. Don’t stress over the fact that your plans are now being jeopardised because of these testing times. Instead, use this time to brush up your skills. Watch videos on YouTube relevant to your skills. Also, keep an eye on different companies in UAE who are going online and need assistance in it. Dubai Real Estate,  Supermarkets are 2 main industries who have significantly taken steps to deploy online presence to retain sales in business.

Pay Attention to Your Mental Health

Not many people talk about it but the mental health of a lot of people has been vastly impacted due to the COVID-19 situation. In particular, those who have lost their jobs, they are suffering from anxiety and stress issues. Surely the times are tough but you have got to stay strong, maintain your calm, and not let your mental health get affected. As they say, it’s easier said than done but it’s up to you to make it seem easy and improve your mental health. Keep yourself occupied with various things, spend time with your family, connect with your old friends, work on improving your skills; these are some of the ways you can follow to keep your mental health intact.

Remember it’s the survival of the fittest out there. Stressing about the circumstances won’t do anything for you. You have got to keep your job search continue and keep trying to grab any opportunity to fight through this Covid-19 situation.

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