Pandemics have been the part of human history since the evolution of mankind; however, none of the outbreak spread so much fear and outrage as does by the coronavirus. This event will definitely change the future. As the cases of coronavirus are growing, so are the efforts of the countries. If the countries had failed to take urgent measures, then this crisis would have ended the world in a snap. While all the countries are taking precautionary measures, the efforts of the UAE are commendable.  Keeping in view to protect the emirate, the authorities have taken the following advanced measures.

Schools & Universities Closed

Schools in UAE have already shut down for a month to contain the spread of COVID-19. The UAE educational ministry announced the early start of spring vacations. They will continue to remain close form March 8 to 29. Additional measures include:

  •       The ‘Learn from Afar’ program will trail in selective public schools.
  •       Sterilization program for educational facilities will be carried out in all schools, universities and buses.
  •       Distance Learning will be carried out when pupils will work from home.

Travel Ban

With banning travel and scrapping events, the emirate is doing every possible effort to curb the spread of the disease. Authorities have suspended the flights followed by travel restrictions to increase the citizens’ safety, protection, security as well as wellbeing. Moreover, tourists need not worry because of the cancellation of flights; they can book apartments or villas for rent available in the UAE. However, all the airways have shown some flexibility to those who have already booked their tickets before the pandemic hit the emirates, by

  •       Allowing them to rebook their tickets before 30 January.
  •       Guiding the passengers to visit the Travel Voucher webpage and add “Refund request due to Coronavirus” in the comments section.
  •       Illustrating that those passengers who’ve booked their tickets with a travel agent must communicate with them urgently for further booking.

Airport & Security Screening

UAE steps up virus checks at airports and warns the people against traveling abroad as the cases have surged up to 85. It has taken the following immediate measures to screen airports so that security can be enhanced.

  •       Residents returning from other countries will be placed in 14-day quarantine (depending on the travel history).
  •       Tourists from other countries with a high number of patients can also expect checks.
  •       Basic tests: walking past thermal scanners which spot raised body temperature.
  •       Use of handheld temperature scanners placed on a passenger’s forehead to detect infection if any.
  •       People found with high temperatures may be subject to a nasal swab.

Suspension of Leisure Activities

The government of UAE has announced the public and recreational facilities to protect public health and protection. Although, this may have cumulative effects on the real estate as the emirate is famous for its tourism and travel-related facilities, it lasts only for a short period. Here is a list of areas suspended by the government.

  •       Cinemas
  •       Theme parks
  •       Amusement games
  •       Electronic game centers
  •       Bodybuilding
  •       Fitness gyms
  •       Spring camps

Public Awareness

 Many countries are using electronic media to spread awareness among the masses; however, UAE is doing something extraordinary efforts to curtail it. It has launched a website name UAE coronavirus Covid-19 updates to inform the community about the spread of the disease. The website provides a detailed account of everything related to the pandemic. Take a list of all the details that the site provides. And make sure you use the following and stay safe not just for yourself but for others as well:

  •       an interactive map
  •       current statistics
  •       diagnosed cases
  •       deaths and recoveries
  •       critical cases
  •       answers to related questions
  •       updates from official sources

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