If you’re renting a property, then you might be slightly anxious about what to do if something goes wrong. Is the problem yours, your landlord’s or the building’s? Here’s an essential guide to who is responsible for what in relation to leaks, pools and air conditioning.

What is the law on maintenance and the condition of a home?

The landlord is responsible for the condition of a property before it is handed over to a tenant. The law requires that the landlord must maintain a property during the tenancy period and must fix any issues that occur. This is unless the landlord and tenant agree otherwise. That is to say that unless it’s agreed otherwise in your tenancy agreement, the landlord has to fix any repairs. However, it is your responsibility to sort out the work which the landlord will pay for.

A tenancy agreement

Ensure that there is a maintenance contract in your tenancy agreement so you know exactly who is responsible for what.

What if I have my own property?

Make sure you have building insurance to keep your property protected. That way, you’ll be covered if any issues arise.

What if I have a leak?

If the leak is within your home, then it’s either you or your landlord’s responsibility to fix it. If it’s another property within the building, then you’ll need to contact the building’s maintenance company to sort out the issue.

What about a pool?

If it’s a private pool, then it’s the landlord’s responsibility to maintain the pump and engine. However, it’s up to the tenant to clean the pool and add water and chlorine.

What about air conditioning?

If it’s a villa, then it is up to you or your landlord to fix it. In an apartment, you’ll probably need to contact the building’s maintenance company. If you have split or window units then it’s likely to be either you or your landlord’s responsibility to fix it. Maintenance of the unit will depend on your tenancy agreement.


If it’s inside your apartment’s walls or house’s property boundaries, it’s your problem or yours to sort out with your landlord. If all else fails, then contact the Rent Committee.

Having said this, it’s important to stay calm and patient while you deal with these issues: they can take a lot of time in the UAE.


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