Thinking about taking the big leap and becoming a homeowner? Or perhaps you are looking at it as an investment. That’s great. But knowing when to invest in real estate is just as important as knowing what sort of real estate you want to invest in. We’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks that should come in handy when you’re looking to make the buy.

1. Get your finances in order first

Obviously you are in a comfortable financial position if you are considering investing in property, but since you are making at least a 10 year commitment, it still pays to investigate banks, realtors and mortgage brokers. Most people who invest in property tend to stick with their current bank as the mortgage provider, but you may find better rates with the competition.

2. Learn about different real estate investments

Real estate investing is extremely diverse and takes a lot of time and research to learn. The most important thing to know is that it does not fall under one umbrella. You can invest in residential, commercial, or even industrial property.  Take a look at them all to understand which is the right fit for your goals.

3. Start small.

They say one should always learn to walk before attempting to run, and it applies to real estate as well. You don’t need to start out by buying a 50-apartment building or an expanded real estate investment. Your should really start small. Get yourself a single condo or house, which allows you to get your feet wet and explore what it’s like to be a landlord. You may find that you love it, and end up making more real estate purchases over the years. On the other hand, if you decide it’s not for you, it’s much better to find out after a single, small investment.

4. Don’t feel locked in.

It’s ok to get cold feet. Always listen to your gut feeling, no matter how far into the process you are. Remember, this is a decision you will live with for a long time, so if you aren’t feeling it, walk away. It is better to lose a deposit than a lifetime of savings. We don’t mean that you should be overly cautious, but you should take your time, do your research, and most importantly, be comfortable with the property, the real estate agent and the mortgage provider.

For more information about buying and renting properties in the UAE, visit

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