The US can rightfully boast of having one of the largest and vibrant real estate markets in the world. And as a result, it’s also one of the most competitive ones, with countless real estate business operating in the organized as well as some in the unorganized or informal sector.

Unfortunately, the American real estate business also bore brunt of the economic fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic that struck the world in 2020 and continues almost unabated in 2021. Hence, it’s imperative for all operators in the real estate business to capture more leads from a market that may take fairly long to recover from the financial impact of the pandemic.

Given this scenario, blogging ranks among the best ways to generate or capture more leads for your real estate business.

Therefore, let’s begin by understanding some facts and figures of the US real estate market and reasons you should start blogging right now to capture higher number of leads.

Facts & Figures of US Real Estate Business

The real estate market size in terms of sales and leasing recorded a revenue of about $163.7 billion in 2020, according to various sources. Figures for 2018 indicate the size of America’s real estate contributed a combined yet whopping $2.7 trillion to the federal economy.

By the end of 2020, the real estate business of America accounted for close to two million employees in its various sectors. There’re nearly 110,000 registered real estate companies in the organized sector spread across the country.

In 2020, the American real estate market fell by nearly 40 percent, though the figure is highly disputable and cannot be verified. There’re contrary claims that buying and leasing rose in 2020 due to lower real estate prices caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which are also unverifiable at the time of writing this article.

These figures clearly indicate that despite the large size, real estate companies will have to compete fiercely in 2021 to capture more leads that can actually translate as customers. And here’re some ways to capture such leads through blogging- an inexpensive yet highly effective online resource.

Capturing More Leads for Real Estate Business in 2021

Here’re some useful tips on how to generate more leads for your real estate business in 2021. As with all tips and suggestions, you could adapt them to suit individual or specific needs of your real estate business.

Use Content that Targets Specific Needs

Indubitably, content is the king of a blog or website. Because people will visit and read your blog only when the content is engaging, interesting and suits their specific needs as customers. Obviously, this involves some extra efforts, if you’re serious about getting extra leads.

Create superb content to target specific needs of prospective buyers. Anyone in real estate business would tell you there’re different categories of customers- from millennials looking at apartments in large cities to seniors wanting to buy a retirement home. Military veterans, single moms, commercial clients and investors.

Therefore, create content that each of these groups would be interested to read. Include a call to action by adding a button that solicits enquiries from your blog through a contact form that requires readers to provide their email IDs.

Don’t Neglect LinkedIn

Neglecting LinkedIn is one of the greatest blunders that lots of business do when they open blogs. It goes without saying that LinkedIn is one of the best resources online to generate superb leads for any business, including real estate industry. Since LinkedIn is primarily a portal that allows professionals to network with one-another, it’s also a superb marketing resource, if utilized properly.

Create a LinkedIn profile for your real estate business. Post short summaries of your real estate blogs with amazing pictures on LinkedIn. 

These posts can contain links to your blog. Since LinkedIn doesn’t encourage direct selling. However, your posts or their summaries can reach countless people across the country and help set up a network of people that would be interested in your business. These would consist of both customers and other businesses in the sector that can provide vital leads.

Use the Power of Facebook

With close to 223 million users, Facebook is quite a formidable resource that you could leverage to capture leads for your real estate business through blogging. You can share your blogposts on Facebook and allow people to comment. Often, most of the people that comment would turn out to be your leads. 

You could also opt for the paid resource, Facebook Business and promote your blogs to generate leads. It’s possible to add a contact button that allows buyers or prospects to contact you privately, instead of posting comments. 

Using the free resource, Facebook Marketplace to generate leads is also an excellent idea since you can reach hundreds of people within a shorter radius with your posts. These can convert as excellent leads for your real estate business.

In Conclusion

The real estate sector of America might face some challenges in 2021 and beyond, even as uncertainties over the Covid-19 vaccine and its efficacy looms over the world. Yet with some of these tips, you could overcome the adversities in some small ways. For example, there’s another superb tactic to get leads: by providing a monthly newsletter. Get people to sign-up for your newsletter and new blogpost alerts by providing email IDs. You could use them for email marketing.

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