Having guests over and overwhelmed by what you need to do? Here are few tips to prep up your home ahead of time.

Be yourself:

While it’s important to have a clean house, most guests aren’t expecting a perfectly immaculate home. So keep it simple.

Create a cozy guest room:

Make the bed with clean, fresh linen. Keep basic items such as blankets, an alarm clock, magazines, books and a night lamp ready.

Create a guest room alternative:

Don’t have a guest bedroom? Get an inflatable air mattress. Inflate it well before guests arrive, lie down on it and check for leaks. Make sure you have clean linen, blankets, and enough pillows.

Clear some closet space:

Guests will feel more at home if they can unpack the essentials. What’s more, they’ll be less likely to throw clothes all over the house and more likely to keep their stuff in order. If you have a spare bedroom, store linens, and towels in one or two drawers. If your guest room does not have a closet or drawers, get clothes rack for trousers, dresses or coats. Add a full-length mirror too.

Provide extra toiletries:

Have a basket filled with lotion, shampoo, conditioner, sunscreen, body wash and unopened toothbrushes available for guests to grab & use.

Have books, magazines and other entertainment options available:

This way, your guests won’t be bored if you’re away from work.

Plan your meals:

Consider the food preferences of your guests. Ask what they may be allergic to beforehand. Have coffee, tea, milk and water available.Stock up your fridge. Show them where the glasses and snacks are and encourage them to help themselves to anything they like. Have a meal plan ready to ensure that you have all of the food in the house and give yourself more time to spend with your guests.


It can be stressful having guests over and worrying about them having a good time. But if they’re your guests, they’re likely to be comfortable enough to tell you if they need anything. So don’t stress, relax, have a great time and enjoy!

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