Dubai is one of the best places to move into. However, you should know all about rental agreements before you move in. You don’t want to entrap yourself into something that might end up costing you a lot. So, make sure to research well and have legal aid before you decide to hand in any document or payment. The first thing you need to do is find a property for rent in Dubai. Next, make sure that the property is authentic with the right documentation and you’re talking to the right people. Now that everything is in place and you’re negotiating the details, consult the Ejari website and the RERA rent index.

Who Can Rent in Dubai?

It is crucial to know that you can’t rent in Dubai without a valid residential visa. Rental properties in Dubai start from a period of at least an year. You can get short-term leases but that means you will need to pay the rent in full. For long term rentals, you need the residential visa or your employer’s name to be on the lease. Procure the following documentation to sign the lease:

  1.       Copy of your employer’s passport
  2.       Copy of their residential visa. You can also have a letter stating that your visa is under process.
  3.       Income statement

The following documents are essential for the landlord to give:

  1.       Title Deed
  2.       Passport
  3.       If there’s an agent involved, the Broker ID card
  4.       Receipt of collected payments on company letterhead


It is the law in Dubai to register every new lease with RERA. All leases should also include the rent capping details as well. This also means that all rents should abide by the RERA rent index. Furthermore, owners of the properties are only able to increase the rental payment by 5% of the rental agreement. This too is only applicable if the property is at least 25% less than the average index price. You will need to pay the rent in advance through post-dated cheques. You can negotiate with the landlord on the specific number of cheques they require. The tenancy agreement should be in written form and must include the following:

  1.       Signatures of both parties
  2.       Property’s Description
  3.       Property Address
  4.       Tenancy Purpose
  5.       Tenancy Period
  6.       Value of Rent
  7.       Payment Method

Registering the lease on the Ejari website can help you with any future disputes and most general information regarding your lease. The landlord will also have to provide building regulations or by-laws to the tenants.

Eviction and Termination:

Normally, you can submit a notification for changes or termination of the contract to the other party 90 days before expiration. This period can be specified in the contract as well. Moreover, please note the possibility that the tenant might need to pay the remaining rental payments until a new tenant arrives.

Furthermore, if the landlord wishes to evict the tenant, they can do so under the following conditions:

  •       The tenant fails to make payment for 30 days of notification from the landlord.
  •       The tenant rents out or subleases the property without the consent of the owner.
  •       Tenants use the property for another purpose not mentioned on the contract
  •       The property can collapse or is in danger.
  •       Something illegal or immoral according to Dubai’s laws has happened on the property.

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