Like the rest of the world, homeschooling is becoming more common in the UAE as well. Part of the reason is the ever-increasing cost of education, as well as the rivalry for spots at “top” schools.

The COVID-19 pandemic also played its part here. With the risk of virus spreading, many parents opted for homeschooling, even after the educational institutes were reopened.

It also depends heavily on the personalities of all parties involved, as well as their educational levels. Not all parents are natural homeschoolers, and not all children thrive in this environment. Moreover, a parent with good intentions and a reasonable level of education is not always a good instructor.

Some Things to Consider When Homeschooling in Dubai

Homeschooling is not always simple and can be a touchy subject. Apart from the educational and legal disadvantages, it is highly dependent on the personalities of the student, the parent, and anybody else engaged. 

The following are some things for parents to think about before opting for homeschooling in Dubai.

The Social Connection

When it comes to homeschooling, the first thing that most parents are concerned about is the social component. Children who are homeschooled often miss out on interactions with their classmates that they would have if they were in school. 

In fact, most children indicate that playing with their friends or spending recess with their classmates is the highlight of their school day, emphasising the value of these relationships.

Furthermore, homeschooled students may miss out on opportunities to participate in school assemblies or plays, which can provide benefits such as increased confidence, overcoming stage fright, teamwork, practise, and other key life skills. 

While this cannot be recreated at home, taking a drama class or enrolling in a performance arts school is an excellent option.

Does Homeschooling Mean an Easier Curriculum?

Homeschooling in Dubai is not as simple as many people believe, especially with a more complicated and diversified curriculum. The fundamental subjects are the foundation of any successful education. 

While they are an excellent beginning point, many talents, such as the ability to think, estimate, cooperate, conclude, and contribute, are actually passed on.

Furthermore, curricula change over time, so what parents learnt and what their children are learning can differ significantly. Different countries have their own set of rules, so educational autonomy may be a far cry from what homeschoolers had hoped for.

No Competition

Parents may believe that their child is doing well in school, but this may be due to the lack of children with which to compare them. There are kids who sit at the top of the class, those who sit at the bottom, and those who sit in the middle. 

Homeschooling, on the other hand, makes it more difficult to assess a child’s progress, not just in terms of how well they perform on a test or assignment, but also in terms of their knowledge of a topic, how they approach a topic they don’t understand, and so on.

Freedom of Schedule

Homeschoolers have complete control over their schedule. They are no longer required to go to school during rush hour, which allows for a more relaxed start to the day. They also don’t have to waste time waiting for transportation. 

Children who struggle to get out of bed in the morning can begin their schooling later in the day. They can even have six days of education per week, with shorter days or full days dedicated to a specific subject.

Another advantage of a personalised schedule is that it makes planning easier and, in most cases, less expensive, whether it’s a vacation or a museum visit. 

Instead of taking vacations when schools are closed, people can take vacations at any time of year. Moreover, homeschoolers frequently have a greater sense of peace as a result of the freedom to set their own schedule.

Recognised by the Knowledge and and Human Development Authority (KHDA)

Homeschooling is permitted in the UAE and is possible with the National Curriculum. However, as stated above, homeschooling in Dubai is not very simple or easy. Private applicants and homeschooled kids frequently appear at school-leaving exams around the world, not just in the UAE.

However, KHDA advises that you enrol in a recognised programme so that if your child returns to traditional schooling, you will have the necessary paperwork to show that they are on the same level with other kids.

The local education administration of the resident emirate must provide curriculum materials, mandated Arabic language studies, Islamic courses, and learning support to homeschooled Emirati students.

Research is Necessary

Whatever your reasons are for homeschooling in Dubai, make sure you do a lot of research first. Talk to as many other parents as possible, form a support group, and learn about the laws in your area. 

Make an effort to meet together with other homeschoolers on a regular basis. Support one another, collaborate on projects, and share your resources, including your skills and time. 

Many potential failures can be avoided by reading other people’s advice and learning from their mistakes.

A Huge Commitment

Engage your children in activities such as athletics, art, or outings. This benefits you all in terms of socialisation as well as providing you with a sounding board and advising service during difficult times. 

Life can be tough when surrounded by children. Nevertheless, homeschooling is a big commitment because your children’s education and advancement are in your hands.

Wrap Up

The decision is never simple, and the road is never easy. If you are thinking of Homeschooling in Dubai, you have to be organised and be careful when choosing a path for your children.

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