Break away from white. Add a dose of color to liven up your kitchen in a rental apartment. We’ve picked 7 sleek hues to inspire your next reno.

1. Black:

Take black beyond just Halloween. Paint your apartment kitchen using black onyx. Elegant and sophisticated, it will bring in that classic Edwardian vibe into space. Black walls and counters also work well with stainless steel appliances and glass lighting fixtures.

2. Gray:

I you are living in a rental apartment, and want a modern yet not an absolutely dark neutral color for your kitchen, try painting it in gray. Accessorise your gray kitchen with lemony yellow or blue accents to brighten up nooks and corners.

3. Taupe:

Imagine a kitchen that feels like an expensive coffee shop or restaurant. All you need is taupe. A moderate to dark brownish gray, sometimes slightly tinged with purple, yellow or green, taupe has a distinct rawness to it.

4. Cream:

Make a safe kitchen upgrade by adding a splash of cream color. Like white but not quite like it, cream is a neutral color which does not turn yellow. Give your kitchen a vintage feel without making it look very old with cream. This is a style that even some the modernists amongst us feel comfortable in.

5. Blue:

Not a common color kitchens, blue has a calming, but also an invigorating effect on mood. There’s an easy tranquility that sets in when you combine blue and green. Use these sea-inspired hues to make your kitchen as dramatic or as subtle as you want.

6. Orange:

Orange can really perk up your apartment kitchen. Add a punch of energy with this color and bring the sunshine in. Try experimenting with orange and brown or orange and purple combinations. Whether you go in for a rusty burnished tone or a cleaner tangerine, orange will infuse your kitchen with brightness and give it an instant pick-me-up.

7. Yellow:

Yellow literally brings the sunshine in. Wake up to a fresh feeling every time you cook in the morning with lemony or sunny walls. You can also bring summer patterns into your kitchen with yellow as the main tone.


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