There’s off the beaten track, and then there are places where tracks don’t go anywhere near. The thrill in going somewhere hardly anyone you know has been to is a big one, but some people take it to extremes. Most of these territories are obscure parts of Antarctica or specks in the Pacific Ocean. But, going region by region based on how many Most Traveled People have got there, these are the trickiest to get to …

The Independence Mountains, Antarctica

Reaching the Independence Mountains combines all the extremes of polar exploration on the planet’s least explored continent. Visiting the untouched this unexplored range certainly isn’t a voyage for the faint of heart (or lung capacity).
It requires three flights, (Patagonia to the permanently frozen runway at Patriot Hills and then on to Pirit Hills, located at 80 degrees south). Once on the ground, the journey consists of a combination of long range cross-country skiing, sledding in the endless expanse of of the arctic and camping amongst the solitude of the tundra.

Tiger’s Nest Monastery, Bhutan

In the valley of Paro, protected by the imposing shadow of Mt. Chomolhari, is a shrine like no other in the world. Celebrating the Buddhists’ most sacred site – the Taktsang Monastery, or more affectionately known as the Tiger’s Nest.

The Great Dune Sea, Sahara Desert

An area of the Sahara that is so inaccessible and inhospitable it is yet to be fully explored, this trip demands the utmost respect for your surroundings. Travelling by desert-adapted 4×4, you’ll battle across the endless landscapes of the Great Dune Sea on a journey that will take you to areas that virtually no-one other than nomadic Bedouin people have ever visited. Starting in Cairo, you’ll take off in your desert-adapted vehicle, driving hundreds of miles into the Sahara, passing natural hot springs, local Bedouin tribes and vast swathes of desert that few have every laid eyes on.

Baliem Valley, West Papua

The Baliem Valley in central West Papua offers the opportunity to travel back to a simpler time. The landscapes are untouched, the locals are loyal to ancient tribal ways of the region and the feeling is of complete, uncharted exploration. This trek transports you between the traditional villages of the Dani tribe via swinging rope bridges and offers the chance to live amongst the local communities, gaining a unique insight in to tribal rituals and an ancient way of life that few on earth have had the opportunity to experience.

Forbidden Valley, Nepal

This is a truly unique trek into a secret part of Nepal that time has forgotten. After a combination of scheduled and specially chartered flights, you will stop off in Kathmandu before continuing to Pokhara, where the real journey begins. The nature of the trek means that the only accommodation will be wild camps in central-northern Nepal that very few outsiders have had the privilege of visiting. Journeying through deep valleys, narrow paths and towering gorges, this 11 day trek promises awesome vistas across the infamous Annapurna Massif; one of the most postcard worthy mountain ranges on the planet.

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