Being a property agent can be very demanding. Owners, tenants, maintenance technicians, coworkers … someone is always trying to get a hold of you. You need to possess a vast skill set to balance your every day tasks and responsibilities. Whether you are contemplating becoming a property agent, or want to take your career to the next level, here are some signs that show that you’re well on your way.

1. You care about what you do.

The industry is a very popular one, especially in the UAE’s booming real estate market. Unfortunately that also means that many people flock to it for the money, and are not really invested in their jobs. True passion is hard to miss, and can make all the difference. If you’re in to win it and not just for the money, success will come running to you.
Great property agents always do their homework, be it reading more about the industry and learn everything you can or having a true interest in houses and architecture which gives you an advantage over other brokers and salespersons. Your knowledge and interest level will be apparent in conversations and your clients will see that you care about the industry you’re in.

2. Honesty is your one and only policy

So what does it mean to be an excellent real estate agent? First off, you’re honest to the core. Great property agents start with being honest to themselves and then be honest with the buyers and sellers who you are working with. You know that they trust you to give them good advice when buying a home. If you do not do your best to tell them the truth you may end up leading them towards a bad decision that can negatively affect their finances, as well as a large portion of their life.

3. Hard work, and a little bit of hustling.

You get from a job what you put into it, and this industry is no different. Being a top producing real property agent requires a great work ethic. Selling houses is not easy, not even in Dubai. The true sign of a great property agent is having the tenacity to pursue every lead and the hustle to aggressively market your clients’ properties in order to have success. It’s not just about putting in a lot of time, it’s about working smart, putting in the right amount of time, and doing whatever is necessary to close the deal.

You realize that it is an incentive-driven industry, and your income level will be directly affected by how much work you put in.

4. Personality is half the job

People buy from people, and people who have good personalities sell more. You’re a great real estate agent not just because you sell properties — they sell themselves. What matters is the personality you bring to the table. People respond to you if you have a great attitude, are personable and honest, have confidence in your abilities, and get a sense of fulfillment by serving others.

Apart from that, as an entrepreneur you have a high level of self-motivation, drive and smart decision making. You’re pumped up all the time and keep your spirits high. There is no sale that is not worth your time, and there is no client to small.
Remember, great property agents go in to work everyday with a huge beaming smile on their face, and it definitely pays off.

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