المعلومات الشخصية

Zohaeb Tariq

Senior Property Consultant
الجنسية: pakistani
اللغات: English,Urdu

التفاصيل الشخصية

القوائم النشطة: 0 عقارات
رقم الرخصة: 27740
خبرة منذ: 2011
المناطق المغطاة: غير محدد

عن Zohaeb Tariq

Honesty and integrity, along with determination and dedication, are my philosophies that I strive for in all aspects of my life. Applying these principles to my business, has allowed me to be a top producing agent who aims to provide and promote excellent customer service & With my 8 Years of my Real Estate Experience since 2011, I am successfully helping my clients in locating and making right purchase according to their preference and budget. I hold a strong database of properties ranging from residential to commercial and present them to clients as per their demand.
الاعلان المدفوع
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الشركة A1 Properties LLC

رقم الرخصة: 27740

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