المعلومات الشخصية

Zeeshan Akram

Property Consultant
الجنسية: غير محدد
اللغات: English,Urdu

التفاصيل الشخصية

القوائم النشطة: 0 عقارات
رقم الرخصة:
خبرة منذ: 2017
المناطق المغطاة: غير محدد

عن Zeeshan Akram

An extravagant addition to the real estate realm, Zeeshan has devoted a great deal of time in the Information Technology sector for the past five years which added to his palette as a chief role player. With A1 Properties, Zeeshan aims in adding another feather to his cap by proving his potentials as an excellent real estate agent. While learning the ropes of the real estate market, he has specialized in the areas of Businessbay and Downtown. Motto in Life: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
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الشركة A1 Properties LLC

رقم الرخصة:

لمعرفة المزيد يرجى التواصل من الوكيل

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