المعلومات الشخصية

Sonika Thakwani

Property Consultant
الجنسية: indian
اللغات: English,Hindi

التفاصيل الشخصية

القوائم النشطة: 0 عقارات
رقم الرخصة: 44532
خبرة منذ: 2018
المناطق المغطاة: مودون,جميرا

عن Sonika Thakwani

A high-touch broker known for her extensive market knowledge and unmatched devotion to clients, Sonika's success is based almost exclusively on positive referrals. She earns the respect of her clients by working tirelessly on their behalf and by always offering them candid advice. She provides quality service to build relationships with clients and more importantly, maintain those relationships by communicating effectively.
الاعلان المدفوع
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الشركة RayWood properties

رقم الرخصة: 44532

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