المعلومات الشخصية

Parvez Parkar

Portfolio Manager
الجنسية: indian
اللغات: English,Hindi,Urdu

التفاصيل الشخصية

القوائم النشطة: 0 عقارات
رقم الرخصة: 26422
خبرة منذ: 2012
المناطق المغطاة: الخليج التجاري

عن Parvez Parkar

Parvez Parkar brings in over 7 years of real estate experience to Homes 4 Life. As a valued addition to offplan and secondary sales, he has been actively in touch within the industry with a number of HNIs for whom he has managed a diversified portfolio over the years. Parvez looks after Emirates Hills, Dubai Hills, Al Furjan and Town Square Dubai, and with a strong believe in consistency and hard work, he has been able to prove his potential on various platforms. To be a successful broker in Dubai, Parvez believes that you have to transparent and gain the trust of the client first, and offer only that fits in the client's requirements perfectly that saves time for all and increases the chances of closure every time. When Parvez is free from work, he loves to spend quality time with his family and loves to travel within the region and abroad.
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الشركة Homes4life

رقم الرخصة: 26422

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