المعلومات الشخصية

Lee Wang

الجنسية: غير محدد
اللغات: English

التفاصيل الشخصية

القوائم النشطة: 0 عقارات
رقم الرخصة: 815354
خبرة منذ: غير محدد
المناطق المغطاة: الخليج التجاري

عن Lee Wang

A Chinese founded Real Estate company. An award-winning and one of the Best Brokerage Agencies in Dubai. Huaxia Real Estate is to be the most proven and successful real estate broker providing unique services in UAE. To deliver the most outstanding services with integrity and professional state of-the-art techniques in Local and across the World. Achieve excellent techniques in marketing and continually strive to provide top quality service for individual clients and customers in all areas of Buying, Selling and Leasing Brokerages, investment opportunity, personal satisfaction and rewarding investment return.
الاعلان المدفوع
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الشركة Huaxia Real Estate Broker

رقم الرخصة: 815354

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